
Hi! We are Extend Studio. We help freelancers, bloggers, entrepreneurs and startups design websites and launch business ideas that will shape the world through developing WordPress products.

Our flagship products, Colibri and Extend Themes, are powering 200k websites worldwide.

We are diversifying our current portfolio of products and moving into e-commerce. The largest part of your work will be developing a new product at the intersection of WordPress and WooCommerce.

The main technology you will use is JavaScript (including JS frameworks like React or VueJS) but you will also be required to do some server-side (PHP/MySQL) work every now and then.

  • know stuff about the web (and like it)
  • at least 2 years of programming experience
  • good understanding of OOP and programming algorithms
  • knowledge of client side technologies (HTML/CSS/JavaScript)
  • experience with modern JS frameworks (at least one of React, VueJS, Angular – ideally React)
  • knowledge of server side technologies (PHP or similar)
  • good English knowledge is a must
  • fast learner (and willing to work hard and learn a lot)
  • the ability to deliver results without close supervision
Nice to have
  • experience developing WordPress plugins or themes
  • ability to get a project/product done from start to finish
  • an eye for details and customer-oriented thinking
Joining Extend Studio means:
  • Designing products for thousand of customers
  • Working in a growing company
  • Attractive packages according to your skills
  • Annual bonus based on individual and company performance
  • Attending daily 15 minutes meetings
  • Having ownership over your daily tasks
  • Cooperating with the Support team and designers
  • Flexible schedule